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For the production of glass fiber, the use of glass fiber sizing fluid is indispensable, and silane plays an irreplaceable role as one of the most important raw materials of sizing fluid. FEIDIAN high-content silane products can show good hydrolytic stability in the immersion solution, and can endow the glass fiber surface with an excellent and stable modification effect.

For the metal surface, the environmental protection of silanization treatment is better than that of traditional phosphating treatment. With the increasingly mature treatment process and formulation, it has gradually formed a trend to replace phosphating treatment in some fields, and FEIDIAN silane is used in the configuration of metal surface treatment liquid and has good hydrolytic activity and storage stability.

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Address :No.1188 Changshan Road, Tongling city, China

Tel: +86-571-88862882

Fax: +86-571-81902782

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